JANCIS ROBINSON - 2019 primeur campaign considered
by CloMlr
"Nick Martin of Wine Owners, who has been providing such valuable analyses of each new Bordeaux 2019 release on our Members' forum, has this to say about the campaign overall. We wish him some R&R now, communing with his beloved bike, seen here in the Yorkshire Dales. See this guide to our extensive coverage of the vintage."
Who knew? Back in March and April the idea of it felt so wrong. Why should or would anyone care about a Bordeaux en primeur campaign in the middle of the worst pandemic of our lifetimes? It felt irrelevant at best, thoroughly insensitive and out of touch at worst.
And yet, with the benefit of hindsight and some early, pace-setting price reductions, it’s proved to be the most successful campaign since the 2016s were offered in 2017.
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#bdx19, Bordeaux 2019, Bordeaux en primeur, bordeaux wines, en primeur, Jancis Robinson,
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