Solution for Merchants & Brokers
Wine Owners serves the needs of the wine market by offering a complete solution – including tracking, analysis, market valuation and market pricing - all of which can deployed with an assured, peer to peer exchange.
Engineered from the ground up as a white label tech platform, it’s own brand-able and is functionally exceptionally configurable for any relevant business requirement.
The white label platform offering allows merchants to deliver a compelling value proposition to:
![Acquire new private clients](images/user.png)
Acquire new private clients
Private client reservists increasingly value online management and the ability to ‘self direct’. A new reservist private client contributes £500 per annum to the bottom line per 100 cases of wine stored. If the average life-period of a storage client is 5-10 years, the total potential value of each new acquisition is £2,500-£5,000 per 100 cases.
![Reactivate dormant clients](images/exchange.png)
Reactivate dormant clients
A large proportion of its client database will look like low value, low potential clients to a merchant but may be extremely active collectors transacting £10,000s with other merchants and brokers annually. Historically patchy account management limited to a top-slice of private clients means there are easy wins to be had that a proper reactivation programme in conjunction with a world-class customer-facing platform will deliver.
![Increase self-directed brokerage sales](images/sell.png)
Increase self-directed brokerage sales
Market valuations, detailed history, graphing and price comparison, in association with other ‘must-have’ content, improve the likelihood of private client trades. We estimate that, on average, those with established collections trade 3-5% of their collection per annum, and a small increase in active collection management can generate substantial additional billings.
![Improve share of wallet](images/storage.png)
Improve share of wallet
Private clients can be promiscuous in their purchasing from multiple sources. However, that comes at the price of poor organisation and collection tracking. Giving private clients world-class private reserves management and collection management tools, and simplifying buying and selling decisions, will drive an increase in market share.
Contact us to discuss how we can help you create an amazing client experience and improve your business operations.